Best Christmas Gifts : Tips and Ideas

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

- Real fresh flowers are one of the best Christmas gifts. They signify fragrance and freshness.

- Chocolates gift basket with a cute little puppy are ideal personalized Christmas gifts.

- If you are looking for personalized Christmas gifts then you may go for beautiful ornaments, stockings, Santa letters, photo frames etc. These Christmas gifts are ideal for keepsakes. Your loved ones will cherish these Christmas gifts throughout their life. They are one of the best Christmas gifts.

- You can also gift a personalized Calendar to your loved ones. Attach your favorite 12 family photographs on the calendar. Customize all the photographs, dates and layout accordingly. It would be a best Christmas gifts for parents or grand parents.

- Christmas gift certificates are becoming immensely popular. Christmas gift certificates would be best Christmas gifts for your kids in teen, as they would be able to shop accordingly.

- Soft cuddly teddy bears are best Christmas gift for girls. You can see the smile at their face, after receiving this cute little Christmas gifts.

- Diamonds are considered women's best friend. Make this Christmas memorable for your wife or mother by giving her beautiful diamond necklace. It would be best Christmas gift for women.

- Digital voice recorder pen would be an interesting Christmas gift for your techno savvy kid.

- Family tree on a ceramic platter is considered best Christmas gift for grandparents or new bride. It incorporates name and relation of each family member.

- You can give your son or brother complete kit of their favorite game, along with membership card of the club. It would be the best Christmas gift for him.

- Write a short little poem for your loved one and frame it. It would be the best Christmas gift for him/her.

source :


How To Make Your Guy Smile

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

1. Run to the door when he gets home from work and give him a BIG hug and squeeze. Or you can also grab his legs. Or you can jump up and down happily while he enters the house, then kiss him passionately on the lips for several seconds.

2. When he changes his clothes after work, go ahead and tease him (early foreplay).

3. After he takes a nap, you can start giving him oral sex while he's still sleepy.

4. Tickle him all over! Find his most sensitive parts and do tickle him.

5. Give him a full-body massage when he looks dead tired.

6. Prepare his favorite food or buy his favorite snack, food, drinks.

7. Take sexy pictures of yourself and send them to him via email.

8. Rub or squeeze his butt in a public place when nobody else's looking and then whisper in his ear, "You turn me on, sexy."

9. Look him in the eye and tell him that he drives you crazy, that he is the best lover ever, that you love him more and more each day.

10. Send naughty text messages to him every now and then.

by : Amelia Listiani

source :


Signs You Are Falling In Love

Friday, December 7, 2007

*click the image for enlarge


How To Make Woman Cum : Female Orgasm

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Female Orgasm And Better Sex (Way Better Sex)

As always, the most important key to creating a better sex life is honest communication between you and your lover. If you can have real, frank conversations about this topic then you're well on your way to being able to solve the problem. The first thing you need to find out is what are the road blocks standing in the way. Here are some questions you need to ask her:

1) Can she bring herself to an orgasm on her own via masturbation?

2) Does she have beliefs about sex that make her feel shameful or dirty participating in it with you?

3) Is she taking any anti-depressants? Unfortunately they can have an incredibly dampening effect on both a person's libido and the ability to orgasm. So can a variety of medical problems.

4) Is their any history of sexual abuse in her background that might make her shut down to sex just when you start getting intimate?

5) Does she understand that women need and enjoy orgasms as much as men, and that if she continues to not have them during your lovemaking she may end up feeling very resentful and even begin creating reasons to not have sex?

Female Orgasm And Masturbation

1) The Importance of Female Masturbation

If a woman can bring herself to orgasm via masturbation she's already won half the battle. Understand that men don't "give" orgasms to women; they can only help them achieve them. In order to orgasm a woman has to both be in the right frame of mind and receive the right stimulation. If she can masturbate to an orgasm by herself she's figured out both of these actions, and now she just needs to open up and share it all with you.

That, however, can be easier said than done. Many women still feel masturbating, especially for women, is still taboo. If this is an issue for your lover you need to let her know that you can't figure out how to push all the right "bells & whistles" if she can't tell you where they are. You are a man, a great man, but you're not a mind reader. Each woman is unique, the sort of touch, stroke, caress, etc. that drives one woman wild can drive another one crazy – with annoyance!

Ideally she should practice masturbating on her own and then share with you what she's learned – this isn't because I want you to be left out, it's because learning how to orgasm for some women can take a very long time! You, however, can play a key role in helping her get into that right "sexy" frame of mind. Remember, the brain is the biggest sex organ. You can help get your lover ready to let her "fingers do the walking" with a steamy phone conversation just before she begins, or even during. The sexy sound of your voice may be just the thing to get things moving in the right direction. Make sure to lay the compliments on thick! Tell her how beautiful you find her, and how amazingly sexy the idea of what she's doing is for you. Also let her know how thrilling it would be for you to be able to watch her in person, how much you would love every sight, sound, taste and smell. In this way she'll start getting use to the idea of "showing" you how it all works for her.

Please note orgasms are like muscles, if you haven't learned how to use them they take awhile to get condition. Do your best to be patient and supportive of her progress. The rewards will be worth it!

2) Overcoming Shame About Sex

We still live in a world of double standards in regards to men, women and sex. If your lover has been raised to believe sex is a sin then you really have some serious conversations ahead of you. Some women feel that it's okay to have sex so long as they're "passive" about it, as long as they just let it be "done" to them.

For some men this is just fine, but as I pointed out, when a woman isn't truly enjoying sex (and that usually includes orgasms for her as well) she'll find all kinds of reasons not to participate in it. Ideally you want an active female participant who isn't going to leave you with all the responsibility for everyone's pleasure. Passive might seem just fine in the beginning, but sooner or later you're going to get bored.

If she won't honestly look at her beliefs and how they're harming your sex life together, you may want to reconsider the relationship. I don't mean to sound harsh, but some people just aren't going to change religious beliefs they've had their whole lives.

3) If She's Taking Anti-Depressants

Anti-Depressants can be a big challenge. They are very serious medicine and often have nasty side effects. If your lover is on an anti-depressant and that seems to be the reason she can't orgasm (like say, she was able to in the past but can't now) than she has a few choices – but all involve her doctor.

She needs to be frank with the doctor about what's happening and ask if a) she can go on a lower dosage or b) perhaps try a type that doesn't have such serious sexual side effects. Again you'll both need to be patient because most of these drugs cannot be stopped cold turkey without serious and sometimes harmful side effects. Dealing with anti-depressants should always be in cooperation with a medical doctor.

4) Is There Abuse In Her Past?

Sad but true many of us have been sexually abused as children. If this is the case with your lover she needs to seriously consider getting the appropriate counseling. Of course you can talk with her about it, but you're not qualified to work through her trauma with her. Understand that this is beyond your powers to heal. She needs to see a professional, but certainly your love and support will be needed as well.

5) Her Belief About the Female Orgasm

There is still the idea out there that female orgasms aren't, and shouldn't be, as important to women as to men. That idea has led us to miscommunication for years and years and huge numbers of women claiming to have a headache rather than face sex with a man. No, a woman doesn't always have to orgasm from sex, but then neither does a man. There are times when you can have a tremendously erotic experience from just pleasing your partner, or perhaps, just from foreplay where neither party "gets off".

The important point here is that you both recognize that her orgasms are as important as yours. True, hers might take longer to bring about, but that doesn't mean she should get the short end of the stick as far as receiving them.

credit : seduction


How To Make Woman Horny

Monday, November 26, 2007

Here are 10 easy tricks to make your girl horny ,

1. Understand That What Turns You On Isn't Necessarily What Turns Her On

Women do get turned on via their eyes; however, your favorite porn movie probably isn't going to do the trick.

Porn is still made, by and large, for men. Want to know what turns her on? Take a look through her magazines and books, think back over the movies she insisted on seeing, and you'll get a good idea of what she likes to think about when she wants to get in the mood. Does she have any erotic literature hidden away?

Read through it when she's not around and get a good idea of its tone and feel so you can surprise her with a new book along the same vein. Don't admit you've been digging through her private stuff, just tell her that a friend told you this new book really turned his girlfriend on when he read to her from it and see if she's game to having you do the same.

2. Talk to Her About Sex Articles From a Magazine

A great way to get her thinking about sex with you is to get her talking about sex in general. Flip through both of your current magazines and find interesting articles on sex where you learned something new. If it's your magazine make sure it's something positive for women, like a new position, or great tips on oral sex to give her more pleasure…

But here's the trick, don't bring it up when you want to get some – bring it up when you're out at dinner together, or on a way to a friend's party. She'll be impressed you're thinking about improving your sex life together and the conversation will probably be steamy and enlightening for the both of you.

3. Flatter Her in Unexpected Ways

One of the biggest things women complain about is that men only compliment them when they're already in the mood for sex and can't wait to jump on them. Stop flattering her when you're already drooling and instead give her small but thoughtful compliments throughout the day.

Tell her she how great she looks when you pass her in the hall on the way to class, or when she's on her way to work. Call her the day after she made dinner for you and tell her how much you appreciated it, leave a note on her car and tell her you're thinking about her, bring her flowers just because.

4. Be a Tease

The great seducers are great teases. They know the brain is the biggest sex organ and they know how to get the mind of the object of their seduction "teased" into sexual interest in subtle, slight of hand ways without being overt and obvious. Just how sly can you be? Just how sweet and flirty can you be? Just how many ways can you insert seemingly innocent "double entendres" into your conversations together?

5. Indulge All of Her Senses

Plan a short road trip, or just a full day of fun, and consciously work on indulging all of her senses in sexy and imaginative ways. Make sure you smell great, wearing a touch of her favorite cologne (but not too much). Choose great sexy music to listen to in the car. Eat at one of her favorite restaurants, or try something new and exotic you've heard good things about. Spend time in nature in some place beautiful. Go to an amusement park and ride the roller coasters and eat some great chocolate.

6. Dress to the Nines For a Big Night Out

Most women love to get dressed up for a big night out. Sure they love to spend hours making themselves gorgeous but they also love to see how great you look all spiffed up. Take her to a play, the opera, and a concert – any excuse for you to put on a suit and tie and remind her why she was so attracted to you in the first place.

7. Take Her to a Sexy Movie

It's the holiday season and that means romantic movies for adults are coming out – take her to see one starring the male lead she likes the most. Yeah, I know, you probably think it's just a "chick flick" but hey, if it gets her hot and bothered to see Jude Law making out with a beautiful co-star who are you to complain?

If you can't find one playing that she likes rent something romantic, sexy and foreign. The French especially make great movies with adult plots, and yes adult sex, handled in a tasteful but amazingly sexy ways that will have your girl ready to go before the movies even over.

8. Take Her Lingerie Shopping

Don't come home with some bright red or bright purple pair of crotch-less panties wrapped up for her to freak over. No, here the idea is to get both of you excited with the adventure of lingerie shopping. Make an afternoon of it.

Check out both the hot little boutique that sells the expensive European stuff as well as one of those new "girl friendly" sex shops that sells everything from seamed stocking to the latest sex toys. While you're at it, buy a new sex toy together – let her pick it out. By the time you get home she'll both be ready to model the lingerie for you and use the toy.

9. Surprise Her With Dinner and a Hot Bath

Tell her you're going to take care of dinner for a change. If you can't cook buy some nice things at your local gourmet grocery store and arrange them nicely. Create a great atmosphere with candles and some festive mixed drinks, or a great bottle of wine. Tell her to call when she's on her way so you can surprise her by running a hot bath.

Use bubbles (kudos if you buy her some new great smelling bath soap), light candles, and if you're really romantic, sprinkle rose petals from the door to the bathroom…

10. Spend an Evening With a Few "Red Shoe Diaries" & a Great Bottle of Wine

Yes, they're pretty tame compared to your favorite porn, but the "Red Shoe Diary" videos are pretty racy compared to what most women are use to watching. The stories are a bit silly, but the actors are great to look at for both sexes.

And I guarantee after a night where you ran her a hot bath (which you might have shared), and you made (or brought in) a great dinner, after a couple of these films – trust me – she'll be ready to drag you off to the bedroom. Be ready to make your move.

credit : seduction


Romantic Ways To Propose

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Ready to take the proverbial plunge? Planning to tie the knot once and for all but haven't got the slightest idea where to begin? Well, you can start by choosing from the most romantic ways to propose listed here. These romantic ways to propose will merely point you in the right direction. What happens after she says "yes" is entirely up to you, so enjoy!

1. Pop the question on a candlelit dinner in a place that is memorable for the both of you.

Unlike the other two methods listed below, this one is perhaps the most predictable. There's a fine line between making the evening special and making it extra special. Too little effort and it might not have the desired romantic effect. Too much and she might begin to suspect what you're up to, thus, giving away the surprise.

If there is cause for celebration, like an anniversary, all the better as this gives you the perfect excuse to take her out to a lavish dinner at her favorite restaurant. Reminisce about all the memories you've made together, especially while eating at that particular place. Remind her of the smallest details she would never expect you to remember, like the smell of her perfume or the way her hair curled just right that first night you went out. Lead her gently towards your purpose, all the while reassuring her of your love. And when all's said and done, ask for her hand.

2. Plan a public proposal.

If you are absolutely sure that she will say "yes," a public proposal is one of the most romantic ways to propose that will surely be one for the books. Do not attempt this if you feel that your partner is still unsure. With a public proposal, she may feel that you are pressing the issue and she might feel "pressured" to say yes.

However, if all that she's waiting for is for you to pop the question, a public proposal – in a theater, a concert, a baseball game or in the middle of a huge family affair with the people that you both love – will do the trick; and it will be a moment that she can treasure forever!

3. Be creative with your wedding proposal.

Thinking of unique and romantic ways to propose is important because the tale will surely be told from generation to generation. From something as grand as "painting" your proposal in the sky to something as simple as getting down on your knees while strolling in the park – the key is to come up with a unique way to ask the question during the most unexpected time and her heartfelt answer will take care of the rest.

Marriage is a journey, and how better to get off to a good start than by one remarkable proposal she'll never forget? Take your pick from these romantic ways to propose and she'll be telling all your future grandkids about how their granddad swept her off her feet.


Type of Kisses

Sunday, November 18, 2007

~Type of Kisses to Heat up your Romance~

All Over Kiss - It begins with kissing your partner's forehead, moving down slowly to the nose. Tenderly, with an aggressive feeling, give your partner your best kiss right on the lips. Next, move your way down and continue with your own imagination.

Angel Kiss - A sweet, comforting kiss. Kiss your partner very gently, delicately on their lips or eyelids.

Back Kisses - Remove your partners shirt and have them lie down on their stomach. Sit comfortably over your partners lower back and start kissing from the neck all the way down their back, while softly licking & breathing where you have kissed. This will give your partner cold shivers and it is very exciting.

Belly Button Kiss - Lightly kiss and blow on her belly button. It should give her the shivers and make her giggle.

Butterfly Kiss - Put your eye really close to your partner's cheek and flutter your lashes upon their skin. You can also do this on their lips. If done correctly, the fluttering sensation will match the one in your heart.

Cheek Kiss - A friendly, "I really like you" kiss. A kiss preferred on the first date. With your hands on your partner's shoulders, gently brush your lips across her cheek.

Chew Kiss - Tell your partner to place their tongue deeply into mouth deeply... you VERY GENTLY "chew" on the back part of their tongue... do not suck. This will create a sensation in other places that can be very exciting!

Earlobe Kiss - Gently sip and suck the earlobe. Avoid louder sucking noises as ears are sensitized noise detectors.

Tongue Kiss - While French kissing your partner, gently suck their tongue while it's in your mouth. This produces a wonderful, erotic feeling for both!

Eye Kiss - Hold your partner's head with both hands and slowly move their head in the direction you wish your kiss to go... then slowly kiss up towards your partner's eyes and give them a tender kiss on top of their closed eyes.

Eyelid Kiss - While your partner is resting/sleeping with eyes closed, very very gently kiss the spot right below their browbone. A very intimate kiss.

Finger Kiss - While laying together gently suck on their fingers. This can be very seductive and pleasurable.

Foot Kiss - An erotic and romantic gesture. It may tickle, but relax and enjoy it! To give a toe kiss by gently suck the toes and then lightly kissing the foot. It helps to gently massage the base of the foot while performing the kiss.

Forehead Kiss - The "motherly" kiss or "just friends" kiss. The forehead kiss can be a comforting kiss to anyone. Simply brush your lips lightly across the crown of their head.

French Kiss - This is the most popular type of kiss that involves kissing with an open mouth while your tongues touch each other's tongues.

Fruity Kiss - Take a small piece of fruit and place between your lips and kiss your partner. Nibble one half of the piece of fruit while he or she nibble the other until it breaks in half, allowing the juice to run into your mouths.

Hand Kiss - Gently raise her hand to your lips. Lightly brush your lips across the top of her hand. Historically this kiss was performed with a bow, which showed deference to a lady.

Hickey Kiss - The object is not to draw blood, but to gently leave a mark that will prove your interlude was not a dream. This is often included in erotic foreplay.

Hostage Kiss - Cover your lips with tape and get your love's attention. When they come near, make noises like you're trying to tell them something and motion as if you can't get the tape off. Once they remove the tape from you to hear what you're trying to say tell them: "I've been saving my lips all day just for you!" Then kiss your love passionately!

Hot and Cold Kiss - Lick your partner's lips so that they're warm, and then gently blow on them. The sudden cold blast makes for a sensual explosion, and they will often try it on you next, as well as get very passionate.

Ice Kiss - Take a piece of ice in your mouth and hold it on your tongue until it melts, then sneak up on your partner and quickly lick their cheek or neck. It provides a cold but great feeling.

"I Want More" Kiss - Making he or she want more.

Here are the "I Want More" Kiss tips & suggested by

  • Girls: lean closely into your partners face and as he comes in move and kiss him on the cheek then when he says he wants more kiss him with no tounge. make him crave for more then after a couple of seconds kiss him with as much passion as you can. that should make him stop begging.

  • Boys: when you're with your girl pay attention to her every move. whenever she looks at you, lick your lips constantly, that'll make her want to kiss you even more (she's tryin to hold back). Eventually she'll lean in 2 kiss you and when she does only give her a peck on the lips (no tounge). She will get mad and demand more thats when you go for the passion.

Lick Kiss - Just before kissing, gently run your tongue along you partners lip whether it be the top or bottom one depending on the position of your lips. Very sensual.

Lip Sucking Kiss - When kissing gently suck on their lower lip. This can be very exciting.

Moving Kiss - Make sure a bed or couch or chair is behind your partner and when French kissing gently push your partner onto the chair or whatever is behind them. Very good for serious couples or just beginners.

Neck Nibble Kiss - Gently nibble up and down your partners neck. End with a gentle kiss on the lips.

Nip Kiss - This type of kiss has to be done carefully, but when done correctly can create a wonderful effect on your partner with a very erotic sensation. While kissing your partner, ever so gently nibble on their lips. You must be very careful not to bite to hard or hurt your partner. This kiss should only be done with someone that you've kissed a few times before, otherwise you may shock your partner.

Romantic Kiss - Look at your partner with passion, then gently move in for a kiss with your lips half open. As soon as you make contact, close your lips slowly. Open and close your lips three times then move away. They'll definitely want more!

Suck Kissing - A seductive type of kiss. Instead of French Kissing with your mouth open, while your partner's lips are parted suck on their top our bottom lip with your own, just for a second or two. Then go back to another type of kiss or try the other lip.

Shoulder Kiss - Simply come from behind, embrace her, and kiss the top of her shoulder. This is a sensual, loving kiss.

Switch Kiss - While French kissing, switch the way that your head is tilted.

Surprise Kissing - This type of kiss is done when your partner is lying down on a sofa or the ground, either asleep or just lying with their eyes closed. Quietly approach your partner and place a small, very gentle kiss on their lips. Intensify the kiss until your partner opens their eyes or awakens.

Strawberry Kiss - Also known as the Fruiti-licious kiss. Eat a strawberry and kiss your partner, leaving a sweet taste in their mouth. It's fun and a really cute way to "feed" each other.

The Whipped Cream Kiss - Dip your finger into some cool whip or whipped cream of your choice. Lick it off slowly, then embrace your partner and kiss them deeply letting their tongue slip over yours for a wonderfully sweet kiss. It's very seductive and passionate.

Trickle Kiss - Take a sip of a favourite drink and trickle it slowly into partner's mouth while kissing.

Tongue Sucking - A variation of the French kiss. During an open-mouth kiss gently suck on your partner's tongue (not too hard because it may hurt). Very sexy :-)

Tongue Kiss - While French kissing your partner, gently suck their tongue while it's in your mouth. This produces a wonderful, erotic feeling for both!

Quickie Kiss - When you're in a rush. Often the nose gets it rather than the lips.

Vacuum Kiss - While kissing open-mouthed, slightly suck in as if you were sucking the air from your partners mouth. This is a playful kiss.

Wake Up Kiss - Before your partner awakes lean over and kiss their cheek and move over giving soft kisses until you reach their lips. Definitely a more than pleasant way to wake up!

Wet Kiss - Once you have been kissing enough that both of your lips are wet, with your mouth barely open, gently rub back and forth, up and down, around and around.


Love Poems

Wednesday, November 14, 2007


If I could have just one wish,
I would wish to wake up everyday
to the sound of your breath on my neck,
the warmth of your lips on my cheek,
the touch of your fingers on my skin,
and the feel of your heart beating with mine...
Knowing that I could never find that feeling
with anyone other than you.

by, Courtney Kuchta

#2 Your Name

I wrote your name in the sky,
but the wind blew it away.
I wrote your name in the sand,
but the waves washed it away.
I wrote your name in my heart,
and forever it will stay.

by, Jessica Blade

#3 Deep As The Rose Is Red

I'll give you my heart, I'll open it up,
Will you listen to its small still voice?
For soft and quiet my heart will speak
To the one I'll call my wife.

Did you hear it dear? Did you listen well?
Do you understand what it said?
For deep is the love that it speaks to you,
Deep as the rose is red.

So, take my heart and treat it well
And forever in this life,
Come walk with me, your hand in mine,
The one I'll call my wife.

by, Melvin D. Sharrar

#4 Dreaming

I used to dream of eyes so blue
And loving arms to hold me.
I used to dream of heroic knights
And how gracious they would be.

I used to dream of how I wouldn’t settle
For anything less than best.
I used to dream of how he would majestically
Lay all fears to rest.

I used to dream of fairy tales,
How wondrous would they be
I used to dream of story books
All patterned after me.

I used to dream of a lot of things,
But the moment I met you,
I immediately stopped dreaming,
Because all of my dreams came true.

by, Tina Cerruti

#5 What I Love About You...

The sparkle in your eye,
The warmth of your skin.
Your breath on my neck,
That quivers within.

The touch of your hand,
The smell of your hair.
The kindness in your smile,
That strength in your stare.

Your kiss on my lips,
Your body near mine.
The stroke of your touch,
That feeling inside.

The sound of your voice,
Compassion in your embrace.
The serenity in your stride,
The power in your face.

The calming of your presence,
The beating of your heart.
The promise of tomorrow,
That we may never part.

The beauty of your kiss,
and that magic in your touch.
It is for all these reasons and more,
Why I love you so much.

by, Averil Binetti


You came into my life unexpectedly,
and everything took a turn for the better.
Your warm eyes, your laugh,
the sincere way you speak,
and the kindness you showed me,
all became a part of my life.

As you unfolded yourself to me,
I discovered more and more beauty.
I have never seen so much
gentleness in one person.
Without even knowing it,
you were slowly making a place
for yourself in my heart.

It used to seem so hard at times
to feel so close in a relationship.
But it’s so easy to feel close to you.
I can’t tell you how nice that feels.
I realize now that I had never known
what it meant to be loved
until I was loved by you.

by, Laura Baker

#7 The Way You Make Me Feel

You make me feel special,
You make me feel new,
You make me feel loved,
With everything you do.

You hold me close when I am sad.
You wipe the tears from my face.
Every time we are together,
It seems like the perfect place.

My eyes light up when you enter a room.
I smile when we are together.
No matter how bad things are,
You always make them better.

I love the way you kiss me,
The way you hold me tight.
I love the way you touch me,
I could be with you all night.

I love the way you can make me laugh
For absolutely no reason at all.
I love how no matter what I do,
You will be there to catch me when I fall.

I just want you to know,
That even though we sometimes fight,
I will always love you!
No matter what, day or night.

by, Amanda Standridge


How To Know If Your Boyfriend Is Married

Sunday, November 11, 2007

Dating a married man is asking for heartache. No matter what he says, you will always come second to his wife, and if he has children, you will be even farther down the list of his priorities. The trick is figuring out if you new boyfriend is married before you get too invested emotionally--because he probably won't tell you himself. The following steps will help you determine if your boyfriend is married.

Get his phone number. If he only gives you his cell phone, be cautious. He may only have a cell phone--or he may have a home phone but doesn't want his wife to answer your call. Does he answer his cell phone when he is with you? If not, he may be very considerate--or he may be ducking calls from his wife.

Ask to see his home. If he never takes you, he may be embarrassed to admit he still lives with his parents or that he lives like a slob--or that he lives with his wife and maybe even kids.

Make plans for holiday and weekend outings. If he is never available on holidays and weekends he may be a doctor, firefighter or policeman--or he may be spending the holidays with his wife and children.

Watch how he pays for your nights out. If he only pays in cash, he may have no credit--or he may not want his wife to see your dates on their credit card statements.

Check out his car. Empty juice boxes, crushed crackers and stuffed animals means he's had children in it recently. He may have children with an ex-wife or ex-girlfriend--or he may be married. Did he mention he had children in the first place?

Look in his wallet for a place where it seems he has removed a photograph. He may have thrown out a photo of his ex-girlfriend--or he may be hiding a photo of his family. Be especially wary if it seems several photos are missing.

Ask to meet his parents and friends. If he won't introduce you, he may be embarrassed to be seen with you--or he may be married. Did other boyfriends introduce you to friends and family? If so, then you are not the reason.


  • If you discover your boyfriend is married, don't call his wife. Instead, let him know what you think of him and that you don't want to see him again. Get out of the relationship and stop taking his calls.
  • Many men work in professions that prohibit the wearing of rings for safety reasons. Don't rely on the appearance of his ring finger to know if he is married.
  • Only about five men in 100 will leave their wife for a girlfriend.
Original Source


Undressing Your Partner in Sensual Ways

The method to undress is the most neglected area while discussing the art of sexual pleasure. Any sexual expert may start from the caressing methods and will progress directly to the peak level. The shedding of clothes often goes unnoticed. Understand the hidden power of sensual undressing to make your night an exciting one.

Let the breeze take the lady love
You and your partner may be preferring a relaxed union after a sterneous day. Let the ambience catch your sexual mood and prepare to seduce your lover. Present your lady love with a satin or silky nightdress. Take time to taste your favourite cocktail with your partner in your balcony. The moonlight may sweep over you and the breeze may lift around your lover's soft attire. Play with your finger around the loops of her attire and let it slowly reveal her feminine curves in the dim light. Never arouse her with your caressing fingers. Your lady love may be feeling shy, and take that final moment to caress her in your hands.

Wet to set the sensual ambience
Since how long have you experienced the showering of water drops on your body together? Just cuddle under the bathroom shower together. However, this time you may not be getting together like those old days. You are in your out fittings! Let the water drops drench your garments and help each other to squeeze out the water in turn. After some time,suggest to your partner in a naughty way that, you may prefer to see her glowing body under the water. Take really slow steps to remove each garment and by the end, both of you will be irresistible to get into the pleasurable union.

Storm of passion
Have you ever considered violating the rules in your sensual play? Is it the same monotonous way of either you undress her or she undress herself after the initial stages of foreplay? Just imagine dragging her from the midst of house chores at an unexpected moment. Don't wait for soft undressing as you pass passionate hugs and violent kisses all over her body. Let her clothes get tear off in the stormy lover's hands and believe me, she will respond in equal wavelength to your ecstasy. (Warning: Be assured before tearing her cloth that you are not spoiling her favourite attire, to get the response in a totally opposite manner.)

Now do you want your lady love to undress herself in a sensual way? Is she a little shy to do so? Here are some steps to make her undress herself.

Flatter the vanity
Is it a rare treat for you that she appears in her transparent night dress or those sexy lingeries? Consider the long gap since she appeared in those sexy attires. She must have felt that you haven't got seduced by her attempts or must be feeling a little inferior about her unbalanced body measurements. This is the time to flatter her. Tell her the hot actress in the magazine or in a show, reminds you of her appearance in those skimpy clothes. Tell her how you marvel her sculpturous physique in those attires. Seduce her further with those hot conversations and she will be all ready to win over you.

Seduce her senses
A woman may feel a slight inhibition at the back of her mind while undressing in a sensual way. The simple way to bring her into the open spirits is to seduce her senses. Enjoy a cocktail session or an evening at the pub with your lady love and let the drinks unbind her unnecessary inhibitions. Caress her a little and ask her to seduce you in the dim light. Slowly brighten the lights as she unwraps her assets and now you know, where to lead to.

Sexual experts believe that creativity determines the quality and duration of your sexual life. So why wait? Make a fresh start tonight for a wonderful sexual relationship.

original source


Making Love With Love

How is your love making? Is it a hasty get done affair? An outlet to your frustrations? A sadistic outrage? Or is it a rendezvous of love, passion and affection?

Lovemaking is considered one of life's highest callings. The ancient Hindus believed that life had three purposes: religious piety (dharma), material success (artha) and sexual pleasure (kama). All three were equal and the erotic was celebrated as the seat of earthly beauty. In the Hindu world the pursuit of sexual pleasure was revered as a religious quest.

How do you perceive your lovemaking? How much of a feeling goes into it? Love in lovemaking is what we are talking today. Lovemaking is more than just a physical act. It is the union of mind, heart and soul. One needs to care for the feelings of his/ her partner. This is not a selfish act, but a selfless act.

Sex in a loving, intimate relationship has numerous health benefits. In women, for example, the sexual act triggers the release of oxytocin. Oxytocin promotes feelings of affection and nurturing instinct.In men, sex encourages the flow of testosterone, which strengthens bones and muscles and helps transport DHEA, a hormone that may be important in the function of the body's immune system.

Lovemaking in a secure, loving and intimate relationship brings immense happiness and peace, which could lead to greater health and longer life. On the other hand a promiscuous sexual relationship may produce an opposite effect by introducing a sense of anxiety and fear.

Make lovemaking a beautiful experience for both. The feelings of both matters. Ask your partner if any of your ways bothers or annoys him/her. Care for their needs. There might be days when your partner is not in a mood. Try coaxing them through but if they are still not up to it, do not force or implement your needs on them. Loveless or forced sex can leave lasting scars on the mind. Your partner might lose the respect he or she has for you. Gentle and thoughtful attitude goes a long way in holding the two of you together.

Love in lovemaking is not only an important aspect for a good and healthy sex life, but is also important for a good and strong relationship. So go ahead and make love with love.

original source


The First Kiss

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

You like this guy and he likes spending time with you too. He hasn't said the golden words to you yet but you know that he loves you. You are going out with him tonight and your heart says that something special will happen tonight. Well be prepared for this special night. If he kisses you then make it one that he will remember and make him look forward to things to come.

Be alone
Don't go out in a group if you want to spend time with him alone. Your first kiss has to be special and if you are surrounded by a crowd of people then that will not be possible. Hence ask him to take you out to a quite place or go for a drive or walk.

Don't scare him off
Just as you are nervous, know that your boy-friend is also nervous. Thus relax and make him feel comfortable. Don't scare him off by continuously talking and being occupied with other things. He might think that you are not interested. Give him a chance to make the first move.

Have good breath
While kissing the most important thing is to have a great breath. Make sure to brush and floss before going out on a date. Use breath fresheners to have great breath at all times. If you have eaten anything on your date then keep a gum or mint on hand.

Timing is necessary
You have to know when the moment is right. Like if the conversation stops, your eyes meet and neither of you seems to be able to look away, that is the perfect moment to kiss. At this time don't back off, your body language should say that you want to be kissed.

Let him touch you
Men like to feel women when they are kissing and that really feels great. Thus when you are kissing him don't struggle to keep his hands off because you think that it tickles you. Let him touch your body and feel you.

Close your eyes
Make sure you close your eyes while you are kissing. If your eyes are open your boyfriend might think that you are not enjoying the moment or that he is forcing himself on you. Thus keep your eyes closed and completely immerse yourself in this beautiful experience.

source :


Star Sign Kissing

Your kisses are quick and passionate. At times it is full of lustful pleasure that is there for some moment and then gone. You are in all a very passionate and lustful kisser.

You are a kind of kisser whose kisses linger for hours together. Your kisses are soft, heartfelt and caring.

Your kisses are interrupted by paroxysm of giggles, smiles and funny observations. You are not a lustful and passionate kisser but love to go slow, spicing up the moments of pleasure.

Your kisses are soft, gentle, warm and tender, and you never want to let go of them.

Your kisses are wild and uninhibited just as your personality. You like to dominate even when you are making love. You like making love in the wild manner of biting and clawing and you expect applause for your performance, which sometimes you do get. According to you love should be wild and dangerous.

Your kisses are so subtle and tidy, your lover only notices them once you've finished and then it will be difficult to stop for your partner will never want to let go of you.

You're too busy worrying about your breath to really get into your kisses. You are too busy worrying about your appearance; your looks and therefore you do not enjoy kissing so much since you are always freaked out over something or the other. Chill out and put some life in your kisses.

You skip the kiss and get straight to � whatever comes next for you.

Your kisses are surprising, playful, mysterious and spontaneous that leaves your lover wanting for more.

When you kiss you relieve yourself of all the tension and stress. Your kisses are intense moments of sublime relief from the stress of your day. You kiss with all your heart and soul.

Your kisses are wet and messy, and you tend to keep your eyes open. This shows that you love flirting and cannot be satisfied with one lover.

Your kisses are starry-eyed, idealistic, romantic and long lasting. You are a very romantic person and kiss with full of love and passion.

source :


Kissing Troubleshoots

Monday, October 8, 2007

1. Moving too quickly

Be careful not to startle the kisses - watch and wait for the signal to proceed
If you aren't sensitive in your kissing, how empathetic and caring can you be about the rest of the relationship

2. Wet, sloshy, squishy, fishy

If you or the kisses need to wipe your lips, or chin, dry after the kiss - well, it wasn't 'perfect' was it?

3. Smash-mouth smothering kiss of death

Avoid the over-passionate, insensitive kiss that leaves the kisses gasping for air.

4. Chapped, Cactus Lips

There's a delicate balance to lip moisture equation. The last thing you want to do is drool on your partner, but you definitely don't want to leave scars with crispy, chafed lips.

5. Too much Tongue and Too Much, Too Soon

Keep that tongue tucked away until you get the right signals, then apply with caution - later

6. Dragon Breath

A mint or two, breath saver, gum, spray - anything to get rid of gunk-mouth.

7. Weak, Wobbly or Wooden Passionless Pecks

The swoop in and bounce out kiss is simply meaningless - unless you want to impart a "let's just sort-of be friends" type of message.

8. Smacking, Clacking Loud Kisses

The old "clack and smack" kills romance in a flash.



How To Kiss !

Friday, October 5, 2007

There are so many different ways to kiss. The two main basic ones are close-mouthed kissing and French kissing. French kissing involves an open mouth and with tongue, while close-mouthed kissing is pretty self-explanatory. We thought it would be easier for first-time kissers if they knew at least the kissing basics before they try to approach other kisses, such as French kissing.

Great Breath - This is very important. Make sure you brush your teeth before going out on your date. There is nothing worse than kissing someone with bad breath. If your date consists of having something to eat before the actual kiss, make sure you have a mint on hand to take right after you finish eating. Don't take the mint just before the kiss or chew on gum. You don't want to have something in your mouth when you kiss.

Moist Lips - You want your lips to be slightly moist when you kiss. Run your tongue over your lips once before you kiss. Don't wear lip gloss because that tends to make the kiss too gooey. And don't wear a lot of lipstick unless you want your partner to wear it too after the kiss. Slightly moist lips makes it easier to move your lips over your partner's and gives both you and your partner a more pleasant experience.

Positioning - Stand close to your partner. As the two of you move closer together tilt your head slightly to one side. If you don't, don't worry about it. Your partner will still tilt their head slightly so your lips meet on a slight angle or they will kiss you straight on. If you can see which way your partner's head is tilting, tilt your head slightly in the opposite direction.

Close Eyes - Just before your lips meet, close your eyes. Some people prefer to leave their eyes open during the kiss. But until you know what your partner prefers, it is best to close your eyes. Kissing with your eyes open, looking into one another's eyes while you kiss, can be very erotic and some people find it quite enjoyable. You may want to try kissing this way once you're more comfortable kissing your partner.

Open Lips - Open your mouth slightly and place your lips over your partner's lips. Do not hold your breath! Breath through your nose. As your lips meet, press them gently over your partner's. You may wish to move your lips in a slow, circular motion or just leave them still over your partners.

Closed Lips - This is like the type of kiss you'd give your grandma or aunt. Instead of opening your mouth when your lips meet, keep them closed. This is also a good way of letting your partner know this is as far as it goes. It also makes a great hello/good-bye kiss or a great first time kiss if you're nervous.

Hands - There are many ways you can use your hands during a kiss. The most popular way is to put one hand on your partner's waist and the other one against the middle of their back. Other ways to use your hands are to cup your partner's face in your hands (very romantic!), put them around your partner's neck, put them around their waist, hold your partner's upper or lower arms gently, run your finger's through their hair, or just hold their hands in yours.

And there you have it, the basics of kissing! When you try to put them all together in your mind it makes it seem like kissing is very difficult. But when you actually apply them in real life it's quite easy. Kissing is a natural response to show affection for someone and if done with someone you really care about it will feel totally natural.


How to Know If Someone Likes You ?

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

  1. Keep an eye on how many times you catch her/him staring at you.

  2. Take notice of whether s/he smiles at you a lot.

  3. Look for whether s/he focuses on you in a crowd.

  4. Observe if s/he has suddenly taken more interest in your friends.

  5. Pay attention to any significant changes in her/his behavior toward you recently.

  6. Start showing her/him a bit more interest and see how they respond.

  7. Have a friend talk to her/him or one of her/his friends about you.

  8. Ask, '[name], are you interested in me?'


  1. Hopefully you will not have to use steps 7 or 8, but if you're having difficulty reading her/him, these steps are your last resort!
  2. Remember, this is not an exact science, and it may take a few mistakes to perfect your technique

source :


Tasty Treat !

Can you see anything? you whisper in my ear. I open my eyes under the blindfold, attempting to search for light or objects, but I see none. I shake my head no and you continue to speak.

Take my hand so I can help you up. I feel your hand rest on my thigh so I reach down and grab it as you guide me off the bed. Standing up, I feel your hands on my waist; you begin to slide my t-shirt up. I lift my arms in compliance, not knowing why you are undressing me, but not averse to the idea. After removing my top, I can feel you loosening the drawstring on my pajama bottoms. I shift my weight to your hand when you pull the bottoms off my feet. Naked now, my nipples harden with the coolness in the room.

Now lay back down, you tell me, helping me sit down. You adjust the pillows behind me so that I am propped up. I’m still wondering what’s going on, but all I can see is darkness and the only sounds I can hear are Sade singing softly in the background and you adjusting yourself on the bed.

What’s going on? I ask you, becoming anxious. I knew of some things I would like you to do to me while I was blindfolded, but I couldn’t figure out what was on your mind. I had to admit to myself though that I wanted to kiss your lips, and taste your tongue ,just one kiss before the festivities began.

Today, we are going to focus on your sense of smell and taste. Open your mouth and stick out your tongue you advise me.

I follow your orders but don’t taste anything. I take a deep breath and get a whiff of citrus in the air and move my head in its direction. Finally I can feel something fleshy on the tip of my tongue. I close my mouth around it and bite down. I can feel your fingers around the piece of fruit so I suck on them gently before you pull them out. I chew on the slice of orange and swallow.

Okay, so what you have to do now is guess what it is that I’ve fed you, if you get enough correct answers, there will be a tasty treat for you at the end, you tell me. I smile at the prospect of the tasty treat at the end; I wonder what that could be.

Mmmm, well, I think that was an orange, I say assuredly.

Are you sure? you reply, causing me to question myself.

Ummm yes, I’m sure, I say without confidence. Silence followed and then after what seemed like forever you respond.

Yes, you’re right, it’s an orange. Now, get ready for the next one. I wait eagerly for another mystery fruit, but it doesn’t come. Instead I feel a syrupy substance dripping on my chest and stomach. I can faintly smell a cocoa scent, however before I can decipher the smell I can feel your tongue gliding on my skin, licking up the thick liquid. While it felt good, I had no idea how I would be able to guess what it was without tasting it myself.

I hear myself let out a low moan as you lick off some of the substance that has trickled down to the side of my waist. I wonder what that tastes like, I think to myself, but no sooner did I have that thought, then I feel your lips on mine. You kiss me and I taste chocolate on your tongue. I tilt my head upward and lean forward in an attempt to sneak in a longer kiss, as you begin to pull away, but you gently push me back into the pillows.

What did you taste? you question me. Ummm, I’m not quite sure, I think I need another taste, I say coyly, knowing beyond a doubt that it was chocolate syrup. I’m sure my huge grin gave away the fact that I am fibbing just so I can get you to lick and kiss me again. I feel your finger circle my left nipple where some syrup still exists before placing the tip in my mouth for me to taste. Still tastes good to me! Mmmm, that’s chocolate syrup, mixed in with you, I say laughing. You continue to tease me with more sweet treats, tracing moist pieces of fruit on my neck and then licking it off sometimes, or sticking your finger in thick liquids then letting me suck on them, or even putting pieces in your mouth and placing them in mine along with kisses. This continued on for about an hour before you announced that our little game was over.

Okay, so did I win the surprise? I say clapping my hands.

No, you answered incorrectly two times so you don’t get it, you notify me.

Wait that’s no fair, I only got two wrong, and it’s hard to distinguish between a lemon and a lime anyway, I say in protest.

Alright. I’ll give you one more chance, you say shifting on the bed. You grab my feet and pull me until I am laying flat on the bed. I strain my ears to hear what you are doing, but I’m not getting any clues. I can feel you carefully place your knees around my ears. A familiar scent reaches my nose mixed with a hint of cinnamon. I can feel the pressure of your body on my chest. Ooo, ooo, ooo, this is exactly the sort of treat I have been waiting for since the beginning of our game. The scent is getting stronger and I have started to lift my head to get a taste, to no avail.

“Are you ready for your tasty treat? you ask me in a sexy voice. Yes was all I could say before I taste your femininity, flavored with cinnamon sauce all in my mouth.


How to Make Your Guy More Romantic

Friday, September 28, 2007

Of course, not all men are in tune with their romantic side. Fortunately, most men are highly trainable, and according to the panelists at the Web site, you can make your man more romantic -- if you proceed carefully. "Don't ever pressure a guy into romance," says one GuyCritical panelist, a writer from New York. "That's a sure turnoff and the most unromantic thing you can do." Here's what you can do:

1. Employ the golden rule. The best way to make your man romantic is by example -- but remember, you need to give him romance on his terms, not yours. "Pamper him. Do what he wants once in a while -- be it drinking with the buddies, playing a computer game, or just watching TV," says an entrepreneur from Atlanta, who adds that a spicy ending to any of these activities will make it all the more memorable. "After that, show him you'd appreciate same kind of attention towards you, and eventually he'll put it together."

2. Take charge. Plan an entire night on the town and let your man sit back and enjoy the ride. "Women don't know how difficult it is for a guy to always find creative and fun things to do, especially if you're going out with someone two or three times a week," says a Los Angeles account executive. "So for me it's romantic when the girl picks out a new restaurant and says, 'Tonight I picked out a new place for us to go, and I'm really excited to go there with you.'"

3. Turn romance into a game. Michael Webb, founder of, suggests that you alternate planning weekly date nights. "If you appeal to their competitive nature, a lot of men would put more thought and effort into the evening, trying to outdo their mate," he says.

4. Take a tip from Pavlov. Let your guy know how much you appreciate little things he does for you -- cooking dinner, walking around to the passenger-side of the car to let you in, buying your favorite candy bar when you feel blue. "Show him how much you appreciate it. Bring it up in front of other women so he gets a few oohs! and ahhs!," says a banker from New York. "After that, he'll soon be flooding you with romantic moments!"

source : Ladies Home Journal


The Sensitive Parts Of A Female Body !

Why is the major reason why some women fake their orgasms? Major reason being men who are not able to satisfy her woman to the fullest. Women take time to get turned on and most men prefer a quickie therefore you would never be able to satisfy a woman fully unless you know how to turn her on real quick. Knowledge of the most sensitive parts of the female body is very important and at the same time how to sensationalize these parts to turn her on carries the same importance. Read on to discover what these sensitive parts are which can help you achieve mind blowing results in bed.

Behind the ears- The best way to appeal to a woman is to blow behind her ear. Even the slightest of touches can turn her on and cause tremendous physical arousal. Ear lobes are one of the most sensitive parts of the female body.

The neck- This is one of the most sensitive parts of the female body including ear lobes. Slight tickles behind the neck or maybe some soft kissing can arouse the woman within seconds and get her ready for almost anything.

Toes- Some women get turned on when a man gives her slight foot massage or tickles the toes. This does not work on every woman but has been known to be preferred by some.

Tummy area- Some females prefer slight licking in the tummy area which normally tends to increase their arousal ratio.

Kissing- This is one of the best and most practiced way to turn a woman on and has been known to be the most effective of them all. Nothing can arouse a woman more than a passionate kiss when the moment is right. But stimulation to all the above mentioned body parts can turn a woman on within seconds.

source :


5 Quick Tips To Help Seduce Women !

1. Confidence:

Confidence is vital and you need to make sure you have plenty of it. If you have a confidence problem you need to build it up with experience. A method to do this is to approach a beautiful woman and say “excuse me, I think your heal is about to fall off” (or along those lines) and then just walk away, this is not meant to get your in engaging conversation, it is supposed to help improve your confidence.

Ultimately you do not want to “feel confident” you want to be confident, you want it to come naturally for you, so the words confidence doesn’t even crop up in your mind.

2. Experimenting:

Experimenting is vital, you can know everything there is to know about seduction but it is useless if you do not use it and find which is the most effective for you. By experimenting you are also building up experience that can only improve your confidence.

3. Starting a conversation:

This is very handy if nothing has come to mind after the 3-second rule and it also helps to keep a rapport going. For continuous conversation you need to ask open-ended questions (usually start with the word what), make sure you have a few in your head to stop any stalling. Providing your questions were interesting you will be in conversation. Try not to ask boring questions that she can have with any body.

4. Echo her conversation:

Women like to be understood, for you to do this you need to listen to what she has to say, rephrase it, and then tell it back to her. By repeating what she is saying, she feels a connection is being made and doing such things as agreeing with her statements (even if they are wrong) will only build a stronger connection. The secret is to take something she has said, rephrase it, and make it seem like an original thought or opinion.

5. Things not to say in conversation:

What you say in the conversation is crucial you need to keep stimulating her mind until she cannot resist you any longer. Here are a few don’ts in conversation that will spoil the mood and ruin your chances:

Ø Don’t talk about your personal problems.

Ø Don’t get too drunk; try to limit your drinking to only a few, a drunken mess will not be impressive to women.

Ø Try to keep the conversation as positive as possible.

Ø Don’t bitch about previous girlfriends, resist any conversation at all on ex’s.

Ø Don’t’ focus on any of your bad points, if you have a health problem she will not want to hear.

Ø Acting desperate is a real turn off.

source :


How to seduce a man !

1. Create the Right Environment

Seduction is best done is a sensual atmosphere. Make sure you are in a place where there is not much distraction like loud music, too many people and bad ambience. The best environment for seduction is candle lit dinner and soft music.

2. Confidence Counts

Men like women who are confident about themselves. So straighten those shoulders, put your nose up in the air and walk with that confident swagger. Be careful not to overdo it else it may look arrogant instead of confident.

3. Eye Contact

Eyes can communicate emotions. They are the windows to our soul. Lock him in a captivating glance and make sure you "speak" with your eyes. Maintain a steady gaze. Do not gawk or stare.

4. Play Hard to Get

Don't be too obvious in showing your interest in a guy. Ignore every now and then. But don't be so cold that the guy loses interest in you.

5. Looks that Kill

Slip on a sensuous dress, let your locks fall on your slender shoulders, wear those dangerously high stilettos and apply some make up. Accentuate your attractive features like eyes, lips or neck. If you find yourself gorgeous in the mirror, consider half of your job done!

6. Modulate your Tone

Nothing is more seductive than a gentle yet sensuous tone. Whisper something in his ear like " You look chic in blue" in that seductive tone. The guy will not only be flattered, you get to score brownie points and make your move!

7. Flirt

Flirt by all means. Tell him he looks like a Greek God, but please sound genuine. Blink your eyes to look vulnerable yet hard to get. You can slightly touch him on the shoulder or the wrist while laughing. Again, don't overdo it. Men don't like being pushed. Engage in a good conversation and give your viewpoints instead of nodding your head constantly to his.

8. Smell Good

Make sure you smell good. Apply a nice perfume that is not too strong. In order to make it last long, do layering. This means, you layer yourself with the same smell in different ways. For instance if your perfume smells of rose, put some drops of rose essential oils in your bathwater. Apply some powder that smells of rose and finally apply the perfume. DO NOT spray the perfume directly on yourself. Spray it in front of you and immediately walk through the mist. This makes sure it is not concentrated on some places and you smell good overall.

source :


Romantic Movies

1. Serendipity

On a bustling shopping day in winter, Jonathan meets Sara when both try to buy the same pair of gloves at Bloomingdale's department store. Two strangers amid the masses in New York City, their paths collide in the mad holiday rush as they feel a mutual attraction. Despite the fact that each is involved in another relationship, Jonathan and Sara spend the evening travelling Manhattan. But when the night reaches its inevitable end, the two are forced into determining some kind of next step. When the smitten Jonathan suggests an exchange of phone numbers, Sara balks and proposes an idea that will allow fate to take control of their future. If they are meant to be together, she tells him, they will find their way back into one another's life.

source :

2. Sleepless in Seattle

Sam Baldwin, a Chicago architect, has just lost his wife to cancer. He and his son Jonah had recently moved to Seattle, but Jonah thinks his father needs a new wife in order to get back on track. One evening, he calls into a national radio advice show and persuades his father to also go on the air. The call is heard by thousands of women across the nation, including Annie Reed, a journalist from Baltimore, Maryland. Of the thousands of letters which flood them, Jonah finds one he likes. He tries to convince his father to go to New York City to meet her on Valentine's Day, but Sam refuses, due to the great distance and that she could be a psychopath like in Fatal Attraction. Knowing his father will follow him, Jonah flies to New York City. Jonah gets a taxi to the Empire State Building, saying he's going to meet his new mother. Sam, close behind, finally catches up with Jonah, who didn't find Annie. Jonah and Sam leave just before Annie rushes in. She is resignedly looking for them when she sees a child's backpack. When she turns around, Jonah and Sam have returned for Jonah's backpack. Sam holds out his hand and the three walk out together, with Jonah triumphantly leading the way.

source :

3. French Kiss

When her fiance falls in love with a beautiful French woman in Paris, Kate follows him to the city of Light to win him back. But she gets more than she bargained for after meeting a sexy, mysterious Frenchman named Luc. Together, Kate and Luc embark on an adventure which takes them across France .. and into unexpected romance.



Dating Guides


      One of the first things a person notices when they see you is
      whether you are smiling or not. If you are, odds are, the person
      will smile back - it's a natural reaction. Your face gives off tons of
      clues as to your personality, attitude, and outlook. A smiling person       gives off a very good impression, while a frowning or grimacing
      person gives off a very negative one.

2. Learn natural behavior around women

           Also, beware. Never fake a smile. It's easy to spot.
           When you smile because it's polite, or strained, it looks
           wooden. To spot a sincere, happy, smile is a
           piece of cake.

           When you truly grin, the muscles under and on
           the outsides of your eyes bunch up, giving your eye's
           natural beautiful posture. It puts your whole
           face into the action, especially your eyes.
           So smile with your eyes, and people will be drawn.

3. Learn to emphasize nice side of your character and personality

Love is an unpredictable thing. We all want it, but few of us ever truly find it. But maybe we need to alter our perception of what "love" really is, and what constitutes a relationship.

Do you think you are not what girls usually look for in a guy? You could be a bit overweight, introspective, quite shy, and not exactly the "social champion". But what's dreadful about that? Most of the people are the same. What you are also, is smart, funny, caring, sensitive...

You say for yourself.

Do your average looks prevent you from approaching girls and socializing with people? In a human nature is to make every effort to be loved and perceived as sexy and attractive person. But if your looks are not your strong attribute, you can compensate for it with your nice expression, behavior or desired social manner like humor.

It's easier than you'd think to restart your social life and feel comfortable around the opposite sex. You can even attract very pretty girls if you learn to emphasize your strong and nice side. I’m about to show you how in a details! For more tips about socializing with the opposite sex, recovering from that destructive low self-image pattern, and begin with new startups, refer to the e books below:

Get An Inside Look at What You Will Learn:

* How to stop obsessing with your look and put a stop to your feeling it was your main obstacle for success with women?

* Learn how to emphasize your positive personality side and mental strength so you compensate average exterior.

* How to control your body expressions as face and body outline clues to your personality, attitude, and outlook.

credits :


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Just sharing some info, thoughts and rants about this silly thing called LOVE.

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