Need You (By My Side)

Saturday, March 28, 2009

The very thought of you, leaving my life
Broke me down in tears
I took for granted all the love that you gave to me
I know thats what I feared

Dont go away
Every heart beat
Every moment
Everything I see is you

Please forgive me
Im so sorry
Dont say were through

Girl I need you, to be by my side
Girl I need you, to open up my eyes
Cause without you, where would I be
Yes I need you
Come back to me

A kiss is not a kiss
Without your lips kissing mine
You bring me paradise
I cant live if you took your love
Away from me
Without you I would die

Every second
Every minute
Every time I close my eyes
I could feel you
So I want you
To stay in my life

Girl I need you, to be by my side
Girl I need you, to open up my eyes
Cause without you, where would I be
Yes I need you
Come back to me

by Devotion



If tomorrow starts without me,
please don't cry,
just remember the happy days we spent together.

If tomorrow starts without me,
Please don't look back on our memorys with sadness,
look back at them with happiness and laughter.

If tomorrow starts without me,
Please tell her, I love her,
tell her I will always be by her side.

If tomorrow starts without me,
take a moment of silence and listen good,
because i will be there.

If tomorrow starts without me,
please dont forget me,
always keep me close.

If tomorrow starts without me,
don't worry keep living and always keep in your head,
that one day we will all meet again.

* I actually forgot where this taken from, but i love this .. 


Let Me See Your Face

Let me see your face at least once a day.

Don't take this pleasure away from me.

Even I get confused when you pass by me and give me a glance!

However, I wait the whole day just to see you.

You are the view which quenches the thirst of my eyes.

My respect for you in my heart is growing each day and now it's like big mountain,

and it's becoming difficult to face you.

I am making no expectations from you

because I am not waiting for anything in return,

all I want is just let me see your face at least once a day!

It is becoming difficult for me

and many times I don't want to see you

because this inspires me a lot and makes me more attracted towards you,

and I don't want such feelings to grow anymore,

but in the end I'd like to say let me see your face at least once a day!

taken from :


For her

This post to express all my feelings towards her .
One of the reason because, it never come out from my mouth .. and i never say these thing to her ..
I am such a loser.

i love u
i adore u
i'll die for u

hope you read this and .. i miss you.


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Just sharing some info, thoughts and rants about this silly thing called LOVE.

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