How To Know If Your Boyfriend Is Married

Sunday, November 11, 2007

Dating a married man is asking for heartache. No matter what he says, you will always come second to his wife, and if he has children, you will be even farther down the list of his priorities. The trick is figuring out if you new boyfriend is married before you get too invested emotionally--because he probably won't tell you himself. The following steps will help you determine if your boyfriend is married.

Get his phone number. If he only gives you his cell phone, be cautious. He may only have a cell phone--or he may have a home phone but doesn't want his wife to answer your call. Does he answer his cell phone when he is with you? If not, he may be very considerate--or he may be ducking calls from his wife.

Ask to see his home. If he never takes you, he may be embarrassed to admit he still lives with his parents or that he lives like a slob--or that he lives with his wife and maybe even kids.

Make plans for holiday and weekend outings. If he is never available on holidays and weekends he may be a doctor, firefighter or policeman--or he may be spending the holidays with his wife and children.

Watch how he pays for your nights out. If he only pays in cash, he may have no credit--or he may not want his wife to see your dates on their credit card statements.

Check out his car. Empty juice boxes, crushed crackers and stuffed animals means he's had children in it recently. He may have children with an ex-wife or ex-girlfriend--or he may be married. Did he mention he had children in the first place?

Look in his wallet for a place where it seems he has removed a photograph. He may have thrown out a photo of his ex-girlfriend--or he may be hiding a photo of his family. Be especially wary if it seems several photos are missing.

Ask to meet his parents and friends. If he won't introduce you, he may be embarrassed to be seen with you--or he may be married. Did other boyfriends introduce you to friends and family? If so, then you are not the reason.


  • If you discover your boyfriend is married, don't call his wife. Instead, let him know what you think of him and that you don't want to see him again. Get out of the relationship and stop taking his calls.
  • Many men work in professions that prohibit the wearing of rings for safety reasons. Don't rely on the appearance of his ring finger to know if he is married.
  • Only about five men in 100 will leave their wife for a girlfriend.
Original Source


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