How To Make Your Guy Smile

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

1. Run to the door when he gets home from work and give him a BIG hug and squeeze. Or you can also grab his legs. Or you can jump up and down happily while he enters the house, then kiss him passionately on the lips for several seconds.

2. When he changes his clothes after work, go ahead and tease him (early foreplay).

3. After he takes a nap, you can start giving him oral sex while he's still sleepy.

4. Tickle him all over! Find his most sensitive parts and do tickle him.

5. Give him a full-body massage when he looks dead tired.

6. Prepare his favorite food or buy his favorite snack, food, drinks.

7. Take sexy pictures of yourself and send them to him via email.

8. Rub or squeeze his butt in a public place when nobody else's looking and then whisper in his ear, "You turn me on, sexy."

9. Look him in the eye and tell him that he drives you crazy, that he is the best lover ever, that you love him more and more each day.

10. Send naughty text messages to him every now and then.

by : Amelia Listiani

source :

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