Dating Guides

Friday, September 28, 2007


      One of the first things a person notices when they see you is
      whether you are smiling or not. If you are, odds are, the person
      will smile back - it's a natural reaction. Your face gives off tons of
      clues as to your personality, attitude, and outlook. A smiling person       gives off a very good impression, while a frowning or grimacing
      person gives off a very negative one.

2. Learn natural behavior around women

           Also, beware. Never fake a smile. It's easy to spot.
           When you smile because it's polite, or strained, it looks
           wooden. To spot a sincere, happy, smile is a
           piece of cake.

           When you truly grin, the muscles under and on
           the outsides of your eyes bunch up, giving your eye's
           natural beautiful posture. It puts your whole
           face into the action, especially your eyes.
           So smile with your eyes, and people will be drawn.

3. Learn to emphasize nice side of your character and personality

Love is an unpredictable thing. We all want it, but few of us ever truly find it. But maybe we need to alter our perception of what "love" really is, and what constitutes a relationship.

Do you think you are not what girls usually look for in a guy? You could be a bit overweight, introspective, quite shy, and not exactly the "social champion". But what's dreadful about that? Most of the people are the same. What you are also, is smart, funny, caring, sensitive...

You say for yourself.

Do your average looks prevent you from approaching girls and socializing with people? In a human nature is to make every effort to be loved and perceived as sexy and attractive person. But if your looks are not your strong attribute, you can compensate for it with your nice expression, behavior or desired social manner like humor.

It's easier than you'd think to restart your social life and feel comfortable around the opposite sex. You can even attract very pretty girls if you learn to emphasize your strong and nice side. I’m about to show you how in a details! For more tips about socializing with the opposite sex, recovering from that destructive low self-image pattern, and begin with new startups, refer to the e books below:

Get An Inside Look at What You Will Learn:

* How to stop obsessing with your look and put a stop to your feeling it was your main obstacle for success with women?

* Learn how to emphasize your positive personality side and mental strength so you compensate average exterior.

* How to control your body expressions as face and body outline clues to your personality, attitude, and outlook.

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Just sharing some info, thoughts and rants about this silly thing called LOVE.

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